15Jun Very affordable 3d printer.
In case you’ve been thinking about buying your own 3d printer, Makerbot is offering a close out deal on the Makerbot cupcake CNC machine. This is the generation before the unit I use, but it’s still a great deal at $455, especially considering the newest model (Thing-0-matic) is $1300.
Despite the set backs with my 3d printer, I still think it’s a great thing to have around the house and $455 is in a price range that makes it even more tempting. At that price I’m even considering buying it as a back up to my printer.
The assembly is a little tricky but Makerbot gives you plenty of pictures, so you shouldn’t have to much trouble figuring it out.
June 17th, 2011 at 12:49 am
Not sure if you seen this. But this might be another option for a cheap backup:
I am thinking about it… can’t beat the price!