13Mar Aluminum SD card case

I have a lot of SDXC cards floating around in my camera bag. In the past I’ve made an effort to keep them all together in one pouch and in their own individual cases. This worked for awhile, but as the number of cards increased I started coming up a few cards short. Sometimes I’d find them again, underneath a lens or shoved in the wrong pouch, but sometimes the cards end up gone for good.
When you consider a single 32GB SD card can set you back around $30, you start realizing that it’s a good idea to keep track of them, especially if they contain footage. The plastic cases that come with the cards don’t really do a great job of protecting them from harm and the single pouch in my camera bag really wasn’t working so I started looking for some other options.
After a bit of searching I came across this affordable priced aluminum SD card case. At $10, it can handle up to 8 SDXC cards in a nice rubberized interior.

The exterior of the case is brushed aluminum which should make the unit reasonably durable. It might not be as tough as a Pelican case, but it does a much better job of protecting SDXC cards then a small plastic sleeve.

This aluminum SD card case might take up a little more room then the cards would individually, but it’s still slim enough to fit in the same pocket in my camera bag. If that pocket ends up being an outside facing compartment (many of them are), you wont have to worry about a card being broken when your camera bag accidentally hits the door jam on the way into a building.
A case like this doesn’t just protect your memory cards, it also makes memory card management a little easier. If a card is empty simply leave the label facing up, when a card is full, place it in the case face down. Also, if you keep track of the number of cards you’ve packed, a simple glance at the inside of the case will tell you if any of your cards are missing. It’s much better to know if a card is missing while your on set, then when you get back home and start editing.
At $10.65 this aluminum SD card case is well worth considering.
March 14th, 2013 at 2:53 am
Looks like a cool option. Is it waterproof? I’ve been using the Think Tank Pixel Rocket which is pretty good. It’s a soft case though.
March 14th, 2013 at 6:18 am
It has a rubber gasket but I’m not sure how “waterproof” that makes it. I would say more like water resistant. If you plan to dunk your case under water, you might want to go with a more expensive Pelican case.