19Sep DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast Episode 53
Episode 53 of DSLR FILM NOOB podcast is up. Mitch from planet5D.com joins me to discuss the Panasonic GH4 V-Log hack, Brightcast flex led panels, Canon ME20F-SH low light performance, and more.
You can find the show notes here. You can find the show on itunes here, Soundcloud, or under the podcast tab above. You can also leave questions on reddit at r/dslr.
September 23rd, 2015 at 3:09 am
I found your discussion about 4K-compatible lenses a bit…….strange. Nobody worried about lens resolution before 4K came, and now you seem to ignore that Even Old still lenses have always had to resolve way more than 4K which is around 8mp. Even the t2i had a 18mp sensor and its cheap kit lens obviously resolved it. So yes, obviously every still lens that is still widely used resolves way more than 4k easily. No surprise there
September 25th, 2015 at 6:26 pm
That’s a good point. Even if the resolving power of a lens is poor, i think 4k shooting wouldn’t be affected. It should really only show up in higher pixel count stills. Had a brain fart there. Shows with Mitch are sometimes at 5:30 in the morning my time and my brain isn’t always fully up to speed and running.
September 24th, 2015 at 7:29 am
[…] Via Deejay Scharton @DSLR Film Noob: […]