29Mar DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast Episode 93
Episode 93 of DSLR FILM NOOB podcast is up. Mitch from planet5D.com joins me to discuss the new Ninja Flame and Shogun Flame, Free Nik plugins, Canon XC10 frimware update, and more.
You can find the show notes here. You can find the show on itunes here, Soundcloud, or under the podcast tab above. You can also leave questions on reddit at r/dslr.
March 30th, 2016 at 12:29 pm
I feel silly for asking but what is the schedule for releasing new podcasts… I feel like I am single-handedly artificially driving traffic to your site because I check daily for new shows, lmao 🙂 Great show as always! thx
March 30th, 2016 at 4:16 pm
Mike, New shows are recorded on Friday and Sunday with Mitch and Devin. Video goes up the same day on youtube, audio usually goes up the day after. The updates to the site are done whenever I get a chance which is usually 2 to 4 days after the show has aired.
March 30th, 2016 at 9:17 pm
Next question: when are you doing a show with a live studio audience in Chicago? I’d like to buy tickets 🙂