» Posts Tagged ‘Viltrox DC-50’
02Mar Neewer DC-50 Field monitor, rebranded Viltrox DC-50?
The Neewer DC-50 field monitor (above) looks very similar to the Viltrox DC-50, the only major difference appears to the price. The Viltrox hovers around $200, while the Neewer DC-50 is closer to $120. Are they the same monitor? The packaging for the Viltrox DC-50 looks identical to the Neewer DC-50 and if you look close on the Amazon product photos you […]
08Dec Viltrox DC-50 HDMI monitor review w/ side by side Sony CLM-V55 comparison
I’ve been meaning to finish up this review for about 2 months now, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) I’ve had a pretty heavy shooting schedule over the last 5 months. Everything for this review was actually filmed almost 3 months ago, I just hadn’t had the free time to sit […]
15Apr Viltrox DC-50 5 inch monitor (Sony CLM V55 clone) – First impressions
The Viltrox DC-50 5 inch monitor showed up this weekend and I’ve just had a chance to unbox it and take a closer look. The DC-50 looks a lot like the Sony CLM-V55 from a distance but when you take a closer look it’s easy to see the differences. The most noticeable difference is the build quality. […]
24Mar Viltrox DC-50 5 inch HDMI monitor on Amazon
I was doing a little more research on the Viltrox DC-50 monitor and noticed that it’s recently popped up on Amazon for a slightly lower price of $184.36 ($178.88 + $5.48 shipping). That’s $10 less than the ebay price although it looks like the estimated shipping times are still 17 to 28 days so it’s […]
23Mar Sony 5 inch HDMI monitor clone $195 Viltrox DC-50
I’ve owned a Sony CLM V55 5 inch HDMI monitor for almost 3 years and it’s my go to monitor for most things. Sure I own a SmallHD DP4, but it over heats in hot weather and doesn’t last nearly as long on a single battery or two batteries for that matter. Plus I’ve always […]