» Posts Tagged ‘wireless monitor’

30Mar Cameramator iUSBportCamera update from Hyper + drive

I finally had a chance to test out the Sanho firmware upgrade for the Cameramator. This effectively loads the unit with the same configuration as their re-branded iUSBportCamera device. The update allows you to use any device with a web browser to access live view as well as camera controls. In this case I’m using the Nexus […]

30Nov Canon 6d manual posted, audio level meters confirmed!

I’ve been looking all over the place trying to find out if the Canon 6d includes audio level meters. I know a number of you have asked if this was the case. I can now confirm that it does in fact have level meters as you can see from this screen cap of page 210 […]

29Aug Possible wireless version of DSLR controller via WiFi?

The CameraMator basically takes the concept of the DSLR Controller wireless by acting as a WiFi hot spot and transmitting the usb feed directly to your Ipad or android tablet. Right now they’re only demonstrating this as a wireless photo review solution with photography controls, but CameraMator team is working on live view video support as a […]

22May Flashpoint LCD 8″ Monitor with built in Remote shutter trigger

(Special thanks to Yiannis for pointing this out to me) The Flashpoint LCD 8 inch monitor is an interesting concept. You basically get an 8 inch hdmi monitor that doubles as a remote shutter trigger and wireless standard definition monitor for $499. An 8 inch monitor is right at the limit of what you’d want to […]