» Archive for the ‘Road Test’ Category

29Apr Mefoto globetrotter carbon fiber Travel tripod

I’ve been using the Sirui N1004 travel tripod for the last 5 years and it has been a great tripod that’s stood up to a lot of abuse in multiple countries. The Sirui N1004 even came with me to NAB this year. But after all this time, the N1004 has started to show it’s age. […]

26Nov RODE’s Videomic pro 10 year warranty is very impressive

I’ve been using a pair of RODE videomic pro since 2012. They’ve been great for sync sound and interview audio over the years and always make it into my camera bag. After almost 4 years of use, I finally managed to break the cradle off while chasing actress into a car. I, didn’t really have […]

05Mar Aputure VS-3 IPS monitor Firmware update

If you are an Aputure VS-3 monitor owner, there’s a new firmware update out. Version 1.3 corrects the menu system when using the monitor flip mode. If you are running a firmware version prior to 1.1 it will also correct the focus peaking issue that basically made the menu unreadable while enabled. I’ve been using the Aputure […]

14May Panasonic GH4 weather seal testing

If you’ve been wondering why I’ve been missing from the internet for the past week and half or so, it’s because I was in France and Iceland. I made the decision to travel with only the Panasonic GH4 for the trip so I could shoot some 4k test footage and get a better feel for the camera. […]

26Feb Zoom h4n memory card load times and the slow boot problem

A number of you have sent me emails about incredibly slow boot times when using the Zoom h4n. Instead of replying to the question multiple times, I thought it might be easier to address it here. The Zoom h4n is a pretty decent field recorder for the price, but it doesn’t seem to play well […]

26Feb Azden FMX-DSLR XLR audio adapter in the field

I took the Azden FMX-DSLR out on a shoot earlier this week in an effort to get a feel for it in the field. Instead of mounting the FMX-DSLR on the bottom of the camera I opted to mount it underneath of a rail mounted belly pan. This keeps the camera at the same level and […]

16Jan Matin Outlast leather DSLR hand strap – Road test

I’ve been using the Matin Outlast leather hand strap since 2011. After 2 solid years of continues use I thought it might be time for a road test update (you can find my original review here). After all that use the strap is still in great shape, looks nice, and is still a relatively comfortable […]

16Dec Canon C100 – first impressions

I’ve been doing a bit of shooting with the Canon c100 lately. Many people rant and rave about how much of a step up it is from a 5d mark III or any DSLR body for that matter. While I’ve enjoyed shooting with it, i’m not exactly in love. Currently the most disappointing thing about […]

04Dec Tamrac Pro Camera bags – Road Test

So you’ve spent all this money on great lenses, a good camera, and all the other kit you need to start shooting. The next question is, how do you travel with it? In the past I’ve shown you a few of the bags I’ve used, but over the last few years I’ve been making the […]

25Jan Catleap 27 inch 2560×1440 IPS display – Road Test

I posted about Catleap IPS 2560×1440 display a few months back and I haven’t really posted much about it since. I don’t do a lot of monitor testing, so for me the best sign that a monitor is doing a good job can be summed up in the lack of complaints. After 5 months of […]