» Posts Tagged ‘Linco’
12Jul Linco Flora 4500W 3 piece lighting kit sale and some thoughts on CFL lighting
Linco actually sells good lighting kits, but the pricing on a normal starter kit like the one above usually comes in at around $900 for a 2 light kit and goes up from there. But right now they are offering their Flora lighting kits for a little bit better than half price ($427 buy it now with free […]
09Dec Linco Flora Lighting kit review
The Flora Lighting kit from Linco showed up in four boxes, two of which where filled with 85 watt CFLs (the kit comes with 18 total) and the other two containing stands, heads, and light boxes. The stands and heads come in these nice padded zipper cases, while the CFLs are packed in Styrofoam. The boxes where […]