» Posts Tagged ‘Switronix’
19Feb External power for the TorchLED bolt
The TorchLED bolt is a great little ultra bright light panel, but it burns through batteries fast. Each battery will give you ruffly 45 min of constant use and the Switronix batteries will set you back around $80 a peace. Battery power is nice but if you have an electrical source, why not save your batteries for the times […]
23Nov Black Friday TorchLED BOLT LED light panel deal
If you need an ultra bright LED light panel, the TorchLED BOLT from Switronix is usually the first thing I recommend. For black Friday only, you can find it on B&H for $259, down from it’s normal price of $300. If you need a battery powered light kit and want strong light output this is defiantly one […]
23Jun Switronix TorchLED BOLT light panel – Video Review
First, a correction. In the video I say “660mAh battery”, that’s actually a 660Ah battery which equals 6600mAh. After taking the TorchLED BOLT out on a weekend long shoot and spending some time with it, I have to say that I’m very impressed. If you’re in the market for an extremely bright compact battery powered LED light, […]
13Jun Switronix TorchLED BOLT on camera Dimmmable LED light – First impressions
You might have noticed my extreme lack of posts on LED camera mount lights. That’s mainly because most of the low priced camera mount LED units don’t output very much light and the color temp is hard to match. But there are always cases were it can be very handy to have a few on […]