26Feb Want a 35mm f1.4 for less, try A Nikon Nikkor + adapter combo.
The Canon 35mm f1.4 and Sigma 30mm f1.4 are great options. But what if you want to spend even less money? Well then you might want to consider an old Manual focus lens like the . If you are willing to put up with bidding and waiting, this lens sometimes sells for as little as $250 on ebay.
It’s a little bit soft wide open, as you can see from the video, but for a price tag this low, you can’t expect it to be perfect. From strictly a cost to performance ratio the wins in my opinion.
Something else nice about Old Nikon glass is that the focus ring has a lot of travel and operates as smooth as butter. It does, however, turn the opposite direction when compared to canon Lenses so if you are using a Follow Focus try to pick one up that has a reversible gear box.
You’ll also want to pick up a . Make sure you buy one that has the auto focus confirmation chip built in. The chip basically feeds the camera some bogus lens information so that when you’re focusing you’ll still get the nice little red dot or square when your target is in focus. I suppose you could live with out it, but it only adds about $1 to the cost of the adapter. So I would say it’s worth it.
Noah wrote in and mentioned the . I haven’t spent any time with Pentax to canon adapters, so if anyone out there has had a good or bad experience, be sure to let us know. I will mention that I have nothing good to say about adapting Canon FD lenses to the current line of Canon cameras. If you are shooting on an E.V.I.L. (electronic viewfinder interchangeable lens) camera like the Panasonic GH2 then Canon FD lenses are great, but if you’re filming with a Canon DSLR, stay clear. The adapter adds an extra peace of glass, you get light loss, and the list goes on. It’s a head ache that’s not worth dealing with in my opinion.
April 6th, 2011 at 1:57 pm
[…] your going Nikon the 35mm f1.4 is also a good one to check […]
June 13th, 2011 at 3:39 am
I have a Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 50mm f1.4 I got off of ebay for $65 bucks, It is super sharp and wonderful all metal build quality. I took test shots with it and my Canon 50mm f1.8 and the Takumar was a clear winner in sharpness, contrast, and color accuracy.
Here is a shot I took with the Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 50mm f1.4 in my studio.
June 13th, 2011 at 12:07 pm
I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Takumar 50mm f1.4. Maybe I’ll have pick one up and run a few tests.