I haven’t spent much time commenting on Juicedlink’s DIY series of brackets and mounts.  This is mostly because of the pricing. $36 for a flat peace of aluminum with holes and another $14 for the AT8469 cold shoe mount seems a little pricey. So here are a few options to reduce the price or make your own.

First lets start with the $14 AT8469 cold shoe adapter. The AT8469 is a very solid mount but for a little less then $3 you can pick up a which will save you about $11.

The  isn’t as easy to remove as the AT8469 but the end result is about the same. It also leaves you with a 1/4 20 stud that could be used for mounting.

The bracket itself is just a peace of 1 1/4 inch aluminum Bar 10 inches in length. For $9.70 you can order a 12 inch length directly from Amazon or you can head down to your local hardware store and buy a peace there. A lot of hardware stores will even cut the aluminum to whatever length you want.  Then it’s just a matter of drilling holes along the length of the aluminum bar and you’re set. The total cost of $13 seems like a much better DIY price then Juicedlink’s $50 price tag.

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