07Nov Eos-m to FD lens adapter, no extra glass needed.
When I mentioned the EOS-M camera announcement awhile back, you might remember me saying that the best reason to buy an EOS-M camera would be the up and coming EOS-M to FD adapter that would follow. I pointed out that the flange distance of the EOS-M to the sensor would be close enough to allow for the use of FD lenses without a glass adapter. This means a 50mm f1.4 works exactly like it was designed without any loss of light or other such problems.
It took a little while but here is the first EOS-M to FD adapter I’ve seen on the market. Now you will be able to get the same quality results from FD lenses that the GH2 owners enjoy, without the 2x crop factor.
The EOS-M to FD adapter will set you back about $50, but when you consider the dirt cheap price of used Canon FD lenses it’s still a very good deal. You can pick up some very decent prime and zoom lenses for under $100 a peace on ebay
. The EOS-M also has a very affordable price compared to other options and if you’re only using it for video with manual focus lenses the slow auto focus issues shouldn’t be a problem. I wouldn’t go this route for photography, but it’s a very affordable alternative for video shooters.
November 8th, 2012 at 8:26 am
I wonder if you could advise about cheap lenses for my 5DIII which I am using on a stabilizer for video.
I need a wide prime that is lite weight, but know not a d*amn thing about adapters for my Canon body.
I have heard that M42 mount lenses are good, but I guess the FD prices look even better.
I want a minimum of a 24mm if not wider, but no distortion.
Any help would be appreciated!
January 8th, 2013 at 11:03 am
I have bought one from an EBAY retailer in China. I have mixed feelings about the FOTGA adapter. 1) It works, YEAH! 2) The aperture lock ring slips. Some lenses have a higher spring force and press against the aperture pin forcing the adapter out of the locked position.
Otherwise taking picture with that adapter rocks.
January 8th, 2013 at 11:13 am
FD lenses are still cheap enough that it’s a very affordable option and with no glass adapter you get the actual focal length and f-stop. Hopefully the adapters will get better in the future.
January 8th, 2013 at 11:50 am
I have been on ebay buying every single canon lens I could not afford in HS back the 80s. I have been using the Samsung NX-100 with good set of Canon FD Primes. I also have been waiting for announcement of the convertor before I pulled the trigger on the EOS-M Purchase. So I actually owe you, Deejay, Thanks for posting this. Once I read the post, I ordered the adapter and found a good deal on EBay for the EOS-M. I managed to buy everything for just one K. Comparing the two Cameras the EOS-M is so much superior than the Samsung NX-100 on picture quality and ISO Push degradation.
The EOS-M workflow is a bit difficult as that require punching things on the screen. As somebody said the EOS-M is a firmware update away from being a great camera. This is my list of three things that should be on the next version 1) A real on/off switch (not a soft switch) 2) A remote shutter jack (or control from the USB port) 3) An external power supply jack. Fix those three things and you will have a great lightweight Film DSLR.
January 8th, 2013 at 12:33 pm
I think when the next crop sensor design is released for the Canon 7d mark II, you’ll see it pop up in the rebel and EOS-M shortly after which should make the EOS-M even more attractive. I think by then Canon might address a few of those issues.
January 14th, 2013 at 5:48 pm
Can it work? I use the camera with fd lens (with eos chip) with eos mount, first try, it even can’t shoot, there is an option in camera to shoot without lens, it work, but if the lens lock in adaptor( and camera), they give err 01, can’t communication with the lens. How to fix it?
July 11th, 2013 at 9:19 am
Hi ming, you need to cover the two last parts of the chip with tape in order for it to work they way you have it.
the firmware on the AF confirm is not updated for the EOS M or the 650D on most converter chips.
August 14th, 2013 at 9:33 am
Hi, I have a Canon EOS M with the Kit Lens , i bought the
CANON FD 50MM 1.8 FD lens + Tristar FL-D 52mm Filter on EBAY
and i need some help. I want to buy an FD to EOS-M Adapter, but i just found this information:
(Please note. Using this adaptor will introduce a magnification factor of 1.54X with full 35mm format lenses) sorry but im a newbie , whats that means?
does this will happen with the FOTGA adapter too?
August 14th, 2013 at 9:02 pm
The normal change of magnification factor on a crop sensor Canon camera is 1.6x (1x would be full frame), so your 50mm would actually be 80mm equivalent on a crop sensor camera (50 x 1.6 = 80). With the adapter you would get 77mm equivalent (50 x 1.54 = 77). Basically it means your subject will appear closer with a 50mm lens on that body then it would on a full frame body.
August 15th, 2013 at 11:43 pm