14Jun Zoom h6 Pre-orders $399

I mentioned the announcement of the Zoom h6 awhile back and it’s finally shown up for pre-order on B&H. Looks like Zoom is including both the XY capsule as well as the mid-side microphone module in the initial $399 price tag. Part of me likes the idea of having all of those inputs and controls in a single package, but I’m also left thinking this will end up being a ergonomics nightmare. How do you carry something like this around? Would you really want 4 XLR cables hanging off the side of the unit? It might be great for table top uses like pod casting and band practice, but how many people will carry this into battle on a film set?
Watching the product video, it’s hard for me to tell if the Zoom h6 fits into the same form factor as the Zoom h4n. The tilted screen and neck strap options might still make this usable for portable work. However mounting something this large to the top of your camera seems somewhat unlikely, you could do it but it looks pretty awkward. Still if the final price starts dropping to around $300 I could see this being a very popular item, especially with the computer interface.
I might make an effort to get the Zoom h6 in for review, but I don’t know if I’ll be adding it to my collection. Having 6 audio tracks could be great, but I don’t normally need to deal with more then 4 audio tracks in a given setting, and I can easily cover that with the Zoom h4n or the Tascam DR-60D.
If you’re interested in the Zoom h6, you can pre-order it here. If I end up with a review unit, I’ll let you know.
June 14th, 2013 at 9:07 pm
I’m with you on this one man. A little bit of overkill. I appreciate that they have a new preamp and the shotgun mic accessory.
However, H4 is more than sufficient and I’m actually using the Scarlett 2i2 for anything I do that isn’t run and gun shooting and shot indoors (plus it has XLR inputs – I actually used this for recording my songs and it works great with my laptop – so why upgrade?
That being said, I’d still like to see a review if you get one.
June 14th, 2013 at 10:42 pm
It all comes down to how good the preamps are. I haven’t been too impressed with any of the Zoom recorders so I guess we’ll have to wait and see. The price is nice.
June 15th, 2013 at 11:07 am
Well, I think the most important point will be the preamps. No word about “improved preamps over the H4n” yet. Tascam generally announces it with new products and in general they delivery it. The DR-60d has excellent preamps for a $350 product. Let’s see what zoom can deliver. But I doubt it will be better or even be in the same level of the Tascam.
June 15th, 2013 at 11:09 am
Well, it seems that the preamps are redesigned. So there is hope…
June 16th, 2013 at 4:46 pm
Agreeeed! Killer preamps would make this a hot item
June 29th, 2013 at 3:51 pm
If it’s roughly the size of the H4n, then I don’t see it as a big deal to mount on top of a camera, although I’d be more likely to do it on a cage. I have a Zoom h1 for situation where I want to be light, but I’m looking for something that offers XLR inputs. I think this new device offers better ergomonics – real dials and switches rather than the unergonomic menu navigation of the H4n for even basic functions
August 1st, 2013 at 8:39 am
I am currently in the market for a DSLR audio solution. I’ve been using a Juicelink with decent results but I want higher quality audio for broadcast work that I’ve been commissioned with recently. I’ve been looking at the Tascam DR60D, Fostex DCR302 and now the Zoom H6. What appeals to me about this product is its form factor and versatility. The only feature the H6 seems to be missing is the Slate. Ergonomics for all of these devices are awful. The idea of mounting the DR60D under my camera is laughable, especially if you want to make any moves on a tripod— http://youtu.be/UO91FfaEbes —build quality seems to be cheap too. You also lose access to the battery compartment with both the Tascam and the Fostex. Additionally, I’m a little irked by the digital pots on the Tascam potentially ruining the audio. I understand that it is not as much of a problem with dialog, but I cannot even chance a click ruining my voice track if I have to adjust my levels. That is a problem I cannot afford. I am not an audio expert, but if the sound quality is equivalent to the Tascam or the Fostex I will probably chose the H6 as my solution based on it’s versatility, size and weight.
August 26th, 2013 at 7:20 am
All, yesterday we did a test with audio engineer Jordan and here is what we found. Tascam DR-60D preamp noise is 30 db less than Zoom H6. Really low overall. Zoom H6 preamp is still better than the Zoom H4n. Video will be out this Thursday.