10Jul Rip off alert 2560 x 1440 monitors sold by seller lightnspace on ebay
Just a quick heads up, I’ve had great luck with my my first Achieva 2560 X 1440 monitor. I’ve been using it for almost a year now and it’s been a great experience. I thought I’d order another monitor for the studio computer down stairs.
This time I ordered the monitor from Seller “lightnspace” on ebay. As you can see from the video, when the monitor turns on it starts to show green lines over the surface of everything. When I contacted the sell about it, he wanted me to take the monitor apart and replace a few things on the circuit board. This sounded a little fishy so I started doing some research and found out that the green line defect on the current generation of Achieva 2560 x 1440 monitors is a common problem and that lightnspace has been selling off a few of these bad monitors every month.
On the positive side, Ebay is issuing me a refund. On the negative side, the seller stopped communicating with me as soon as I opened up a case, I had to pay $113 to ship a $357 monitor back to South Korea. Basically I’ll get a 2/3rd refund for the cost of the monitor. Make sure you check seller’s feedback if you plan to pick up one of these monitors. Lightnspace sells them as private auctions so that the item description doesn’t show up when negative feedback is left and it took a little while before I figured out what was going on.
July 10th, 2013 at 8:27 pm
That sucks DeeJay. Thanks for the heads up.
July 13th, 2013 at 7:24 am
My Catleap does this too. I was never really able to find out the reason. but now I just refresh my screen over and over until it works, everytime I use it. It’s fun
July 21st, 2013 at 12:59 am
You should try this monoprice 27″ IPS monitor. I do not have it but I heard good reviews on it from different sources including CNET. And it sells for $390