15Nov Used Gear watch – Canon 6d $1450
Christmas is right around the corner and people are starting to list their used gear for less. This used Canon 6d body with a buy it now of $1450 and free shipping is just one example. The 6d has become my go to travel camera over the last few months and as long as you can handle a few missing buttons and a single center point for focus, it’s a great camera to have for both filming and photography at this price
November 16th, 2013 at 3:37 pm
For that price i can get a used 5D mark II. Then why not get a 5dmk2 instead??
Yes the 6D have better light performance (better high-iso performance) but thats it.
The 5dmk2 has better build quality, better weather sealing and – most important – Magic Lantern.
Is it just me?
November 16th, 2013 at 4:05 pm
The build quality of the 6d/5dmk II are pretty much the same. High ISO for video would be the biggest benefit and you’re correct, magic lantern does make the 5dmk2 a better value add. However if ML is your deciding factor, you’re looking to save more money, and you don’t need really high ISO or full frame, why not get 2 or 3 Canon t2i’s or a couple of EOS-M bodies? That would only cost you around $400 for two bodies and leave you with a lot left over for lenses.
November 26th, 2013 at 5:34 am
Hi Deejay. Sorry i first saw your reply now.
Well.. I have shot on the t2i (550D here i europe), and the image is way to compressed in my mind. I can clearly see a difference in the older APS-C sensor to the fullframe in the 5dmk2. (maybe i just had a bad t2i model?)
The t2i has less colors and is way harder to grade because it simply falls apart to fast.
November 26th, 2013 at 7:27 am
The t2i and 5dmk2 both have a VBR of 45Mb/s with the same h.264 compression. Field of view (crop vs full frame) and sensor type are your only real differences. When set up correctly both cameras grade as close to the same as settings allow, with the exception being high iso. The t2i starts to fall apart above 1600 iso, while the 5dmk2 hits its limit at about 3200 iso. As for age, the sensor in the 5dmk2 was released in 2008, while the sensor for the t2i first showed up in the 7d in 2009.
Still the build quality, size, and number of buttons on the 5dmk2 does make it more of a joy to use than the far cheaper t2i. If you are looking for image quality vs price, go with the t2i, if you are looking for build quality, the 5dmk2 wins in a t2i/5dmk2 match.