» Posts Tagged ‘Frio cold shoe adapter’

29Jun New DSLR FILM NOOB youtube channel

Many of you have asked for more videos, so I’ve taken over control of the DSLR FILM NOOB youtube channel. The channel will be used for random comments on equipment that i’m testing, tips on film making, and follow up commentary to questions you post on the site.  The format wont be as refined as my normal videos […]

22Mar Closer Look at the Frio cold shoe adapter.

The Frio Cold shoe adapter is about $4 more than a traditional Cold shoe adapter, but It has a few features you might want to consider before you jump on the cheap price band wagon. When I found this odd looking cold shoe adapter online, I put up a post and ordered a few to try out. […]

15Mar Odd ball Cold shoe adapter.

I had to blink a few times before I realized what I was looking at. The Frio cold shoe adapter is an interesting refresh on what would otherwise be a plan Jane item and it isn’t very often you see something new develop in this department. Frio has taken away the tightening knob and replaced it […]