» Posts Tagged ‘Travel’
05Dec Case Logic SLRC-202 – Road Test
The Case Logic SLRC-202 has been my go to light weight travel bag for almost 4 years and i’m about to test out their 25 year warranty. When i’m on the road and don’t have a lot of room to pack, this bag is usually just about right. One camera body with lens, one zoom, […]
09Jun Stuck in Poland.
Good news, I’ve finally made it to a place with good quality internet. Bad news is it’s the airport in Warsaw Poland. The Islands of Greece are very nice, but internet there is light gold, hard to find and even harder to extract. The nice thing about the Poland airport is that the internet is […]
01Jun On the Road again.
I’m heading out of town for the next two weeks. I’ll be spending some time in Poland and Greece. If I can find internet, I will continue to update the site. But no new youtube videos tell I get home. Everyone’s shock mounts and DS214 adapters shipped out yesterday. Thanks for buying all of my […]