I’ve received a lot of e-mail from people having trouble using the Technicolor Cinestyle on their Canon T2i in video mode. Most of the e-mails say that they can see it in picture mode but can’t seem to get it to work in video mode.

If you haven’t already installed Cinestyle on your Canon T2i, you might want to check out this post. If you’re one of the people having problems, just follow along with the steps in the video and you should be able to get things sorted out. I’ve been using Marvels Cine Picture style for so long that I thought everyone knew how to select it in the menu. It is a little tricky and I probably should have added it to the first tutorial.

Hopefully this will help out the people that were having problems getting the picture style to work on their Canon T2i. I’ve also got a good post comparing the Marvel Cine Style with the Technicolor Cinestyle if you haven’t already taken a look.

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