07Aug Catleap 2560×1440 IPS display – First impressions
The Catleap 2560×1440 IPS display finally made it out of customs and onto my front porch. The box looks like it’s seen better days, but thankfully the monitor was packed well enough to make the trip. Some how my order ended up in Africa for a week thanks to a mistake from DHL, but the ebay seller was very good about getting things sorted out and updating me with a new tracking number once they found my package.
Even though the power supply supports 100 to 240 volts AC, the seller only includes a European power cord. The female end is the same as any standard computer power cord so make sure you have one with an American plug around when the Catleap IPS display shows up.
Comparing the new IPS display to my old Hanns.G 28 inch Monitor, it’s easy to see that these newer monitors are much thinner. The new display is also very light compared to the monitor it’s replacing. It’s the difference between man handling and a single handed, easy lift.
I actually ordered the Achieva Shimian version of the Catleap IPS monitor because I was told the base of the unit had a better attachment then the original version of the Catleap. I found no dead pixels and the screen is one of the best looking monitors I’ve ever owned.
I’ll have to spend a few days getting the color setup and testing the unit out. Once I feel comfortable with the performance of the Achieva Shimian version of the Catleap monitor, I’ll put together a full review. As of right now, I”m very positive on this very affordable IPS display. If you’re in the market for a new high monitor for editing or gaming the Achieva Shimian monitor is defiantly something to consider.
August 7th, 2012 at 10:05 pm
Wow! I was thinking about picking up one of these myself pretty soon.
Great to hear your positive impression of it; I’m excited to hear more. Great blog, btw.
August 8th, 2012 at 12:56 am
can you please do a tutorial on calibrating/color set up of the monitor?
August 8th, 2012 at 10:46 am
I have a friend that has a Datacolor Spyder4Pro
, next time I see him I plan to have him help me calibrate the colors on the monitor. Mine still looks just a little off to me.
August 10th, 2012 at 8:40 am
This monitor and all clones of it are not usable on standard PC. You need a dedicated vga card from nvidia and AMD with Dual DVI Link Support. Your BluRay Player will not work via HDMI-DVI adapter. The chinese IPS Monitor lacks internal Video board for Scaling and AD Conversion.
Read the items description at ebay for more information and visit some forums with further user tipps.
August 10th, 2012 at 10:41 am
They make that very clear in all of the listings I’ve seen. Why would you want a monitor like this to play bluray? A standard 1080p monitor should be more then enough for that type of use.