DIY laser build  (2 of 1)


I picked up a smaller laser and I’m using it to build a monster laser. A DIY laser build seemed a little crazy at first but after thinking about it, I released I understand how everything works and if I can just avoid getting hit by the laser beam during the build process I should be fine.

When this laser is finished it will have a 4 foot by 3 foot cutting area with an 80 watt Co2 laser attached. I’m putting together a 150+ page book on the build process with wiring diagrams, design ideas, and software work flows in case any of you would like to follow in my footsteps. By the time everything is said and done this giant laser build will cost a little under $3000 for this monster sized build and around $1200 for the smaller version (also covered in the book).

I’ll be posting a little about it here and there as I continue the build and work on the book. I hope to have the book out by the middle of this year. The question I have for you guys (as this is my first book), what’s a reasonable price for something like this? Does $9.99 sound like a good deal? Or do you feel it would be better to have a price of $3.99 for all of that information?

I’m interested to hear from you guys about this. I know it’s not really camera related, but I will be using it to add camera gear to the noob store and I know more then one of you is interested in this kind of tech so let me know what you think.

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