01Mar Antique 1940’s Radio rebuild update

All of the internals have been stripped out of that old 1940’s radio i picked up. The speaker grill material was in pretty bad shape so I had to order replacement cloth online. The single 15 inch speaker was also in pretty bad shape and the mount used for it was custom cut for the speaker used. All of that will probably be going in the trash.

The pair of speakers I ordered showed up and the two speaker boxes side by side were to large to simply set inside the cabinet. Instead I used the CNC table to cut out this custom frame that’s designed to hold all of the speakers in a single panel. The outside is the same dimensions as the original speaker frame so this will slide into place nicely once the new cloth for the grill shows up.

Once all of the speakers are mounted and the cross connects are wired up, i’ll install this in the empty radio case. After that all it should take is a few more CNC parts to build the speaker enclose and that part of the project will be complete. The next challenge will be adapting the new power amp to the old selector switch style controls that were used in the original unit and fixing the bubbled peace of clear plastic used for the dial indicator. I’ll keep you posted.
March 7th, 2013 at 4:09 am
Looking sweet but speaker enclosures are quite complex and some what more than just a box.
I would certainly consider isolating the two sides from each other as the back pressure from one side could otherwise effect the speakers on the opposite channel.
Sealing the two sides and introducing bass ports wouldn’t hurt either.
March 9th, 2013 at 10:07 pm
When the final case is done both the left and right speaker will have their own sound box. The tweeter already has a built in vent hole so I probably wont be adding an air port, however both boxes will have sound foam backing. As for stereo separation, i don’t have much room to work with so that one is pretty much out the window unless I want to try and build a triangle style speaker face. For not that one isn’t in the cards. It all depends on how much time I have to design a CNC’d tool path for everything.
March 12th, 2013 at 6:49 am
What, no DXF translator? 😉
March 7th, 2013 at 4:15 am
Also noting that the human ear is more directionally sensitive to higher frequencies you might have increased the limited stereo separation by moving the tweeters further apart. Just a thought.