27Feb Samsung 840 500GB SSD $279
I posted about this SSD last month when the price was $319. Now you can find the Samsung 840 500GB SSD on amazon for $279, that’s a little less the 56 cents a GB. If you want to give your work station or laptop a speed boost at a reasonable price this is well worth checking out. I haven’t seen a 500GB SSD drop this low in almost 6 months.
The Samsung 840 isn’t quit as fast as the latest generation of SSD’s on the market, but it’ll still be a major upgrade from a spinning drive. Right now it’s almost $100 cheaper then any other 500GB SSD drive making it’s slight performance lag easy to handle for the price. If you’re in the market check it out.
February 27th, 2013 at 8:12 pm
Wow! That is cheap I might have to pick one up or two!
March 7th, 2013 at 10:39 am
What, only DSLR bloggers posting today? Heh. Hey a word of caution. I just ordered the Samsung 840 non-pro 250 gb drive and it arrived defective and came with a couple tool marks on it. Beware of receiving returned items.
Also know that the Samsung Pro models are the latest tech and far faster than the non-pro. Also I’m told the larger the drive the faster it is in write speed. I’ll probably show some benchmarks on my blog soon.
So it’s well worth spending more on the Pro versions if you can afford it. For instance, the 256gb Pro Samsung is not much more than the non-pro and way newer technology.
March 8th, 2013 at 6:55 pm
If you are going for a 256GB model I would say go with the Samsung 830 over the 840. The 840 is a good deal for 500GB, below that there are a lot better options.