26Feb CameraMator, now it’s a paper weight for everyone

So we still have no android app as promised by the kickstarter campaign and now we have no IOS app. It only took a little bit of research to figure out what’s been going on with the CameraMator. If you check the projects Usman Rashid (CameraMator’s “creator”) has backed, you’ll see something called cloudFTP. This is basically a usb to wifi adapter in a tiny little package. If you think that sounds a lot like the CameraMator you are correct.
The hardware partner and manufacture CameraMator is having “legal issues” with happens to be Sanho the creator of cloudFTP. It looks like the CameraMator simply used Sanho’s SDK and API as well as hardware to get things working. So why has the app been pulled down?
If you feel like it, you can read through the court documents to sort things out. Basically CameraMator wanted to make changes to the original agreement that would change it’s portion of the proceeds for the sale of each unit. When Sanho refused to accept these changes CameraMator pulled the app from the IOS app store in alleged retaliation. Basically a money fight between the hardware manufacture and the software developer.
This is the first bad experience I’ve had with kickstarter, but i’m sure there are many other examples. Just remember that when you back a kickstarter campaign you are at the mercy of people like Usman Rashid. They might do a great job and get you what they promised, or they might leave you with a useless peace of kit.
February 26th, 2013 at 3:43 pm
I came across a similar device called the CamRanger that does just about the same thing as CameraMator. I was thinking about purchasing one for my Nikon D7000. Do you have any knowledge or experience with this product? Could this product have the same fate as the CameraMator?
February 26th, 2013 at 8:29 pm
I haven’t used the Camranger, but I would guess that it’s not involved in the Cameramator squabble.
March 19th, 2013 at 10:39 am
Looks like Sanho released their own Cameramator for $300
March 19th, 2013 at 6:09 pm
They have also re-released the iphone app and have an android app coming next week. Hopefully it works.
March 25th, 2013 at 2:55 pm
I just spoke with the Sanho people and their product shows the live view image from the camera on the Ipad screen. I don’t think that the camermator does that. I asked them how it compared with the camranger and they said it was essentially the same but they were hoping to provide more software in the future. They also said that you can control the camera from any device not just and tablet or phone
March 25th, 2013 at 3:36 pm
Actually I just got an e-mail from Sanho this morning. They have released an update for Camermator owners that provides the new control features with a firmware update. I haven’t had a chance to try the update yet, but once I do i’ll post some more info on it.