08Sep Behind the scenes on a special effects shoot
I spent most of my Friday night and Saturday morning filming special effects and shooting a few dialog scenes for an upcoming feature length. The location was out in the middle of nowhere and we were forced to use a generator in order to run lights and equipment. We finished the last special effects shot at around 4 in the morning and made it to the motel around 5:30 a.m. Instead of posting nothing all weekend, I grabbed the Gopro Hero 3 and shot some behind the scenes.
The special effects team did excellent work and the shots turned out great. All three of our actresses did a great job suffering through the makeup and fake blood. It’s always nice when a long night of film making turns out positive and it’s very satisfying to work with an enthusiastic group of artists.
September 9th, 2013 at 6:14 pm
These look great, I’ve always enjoyed following your blog. I know you don’t like to post too much about your feature work on this blog, but where can I be able to watch or pay to see some of your work online?