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This Episode Richard and I discuss Rumors of a Sony APS-C camera with image stabilization, the soon to be released Olympus E-M5II, todays Windows 10 pricing announcement,  the FAA Drone agreement with CNN, why Sony continues to keep 4k internal recording out of the Sony a7s (original rant here), and more. You can find the show notes here, you can subscribe to the RSS show feed here, and you can find all previous episodes here. A video version of the show will be coming soon.

Post show discussion on editing with PNY thumbdrives and the ultra compact USB 3.0 SSD drives from Transcend and Samsung. Also I finally managed to get my hands on a RODE Procaster mic setup and this is the first show I’ve tested it out on, so let me know what you think of the audio compared to the previous shows done on the Audio-technica 4073 boom mic.

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