15Mar DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast Episode 16
Episode 16 of the DFN podcast, Mitch from planet5D joins me to discuss Mitakon 42.5mm f1.2, Canon 4k rumors, Film grants, New Macbook, and more.
You can find the show notes here. You can find the show on itunes here, Soundcloud, or under the podcast tab above. You can also leave questions on reddit at r/dslr.
March 16th, 2015 at 5:18 pm
I actually discovered your blog after I picked up an EOS M almost 2 years ago, and was looking for advice, so I’m glad to see it still getting some love.
Another cheap lens I love for it is Vivitar’s 28-90 2.8-3.5. I wish it were constant aperture, but it’s nice and fast on the wide end, and has a pretty incredible close focus distance (I think about 2 inches, if I remember correctly). I definitely paid less than $50 for it.
And I’ve got a Minolta Rokkor-X 50mm 1.7 that I bought for 10 bucks that’s wonderfully sharp.
March 17th, 2015 at 6:52 pm
Might be time to do a few more posts on the EOS-M and revisit some more lens options.