» Posts Tagged ‘Camera slider’
23Dec Shark Slider S1 in the wild
I took the Shark Slider S1 out for it’s first round of shooting and so far it’s been pretty impressive. I’ll post some test shots once I get the footage in but everything I shot on set looked great. The flywheel sliding action really does an excellent job of achieving nice smooth moves. On a […]
20Apr Polly Systems Polly Dolly
The Polly Dolly is probably one of the most unique takes on a slider I came across at NAB. At first glance it looks a lot like other sliders on the market, but the minute you try to use the slider you notice the difference. Most sliders require a very steady hand to operate smoothly and it’s […]
26Mar DIY CNC Camera Slider project
If you own a CNC router, this DIY slider designed by edwinmakesstuff is a pretty cool little project. Four peaces of cut plastic, 15 606 roller bearings, a peace of aluminum extrusion, and some random hardware is all it takes. Total price about $35. There isn’t any way to provide extra friction, but it’s still an interesting […]