» Posts Tagged ‘firmware’

26Apr Canon 5d mark III 1.2.1 firmware leaked

Someone has just leaked the Canon 5d mark III 1.2.1 firmware. I’ve installed it on one camera (my camera above) and it appears to be working. More info once I’ve had a chance to test it. You can find a link to download it here. Use at your own risk. Thanks to Carlos for pointing […]

30Oct Canon 7d Magic Lantern Alpha firmware update

It only took one month from the time the Magic Lantern team announced the Canon 7d hack solution to the day they were able to release the alpha version of Magic Lantern for the 7d. The progress so far looks good. Even though this is only an alpha, the team has already managed to incorporate some of […]

18Sep Magic Lantern Finally on its way for the Canon 7d!

This from Canon Rumors. Looks like the Magic Lantern Team has finally found a way to install there firmware update on the Canon 7d. ML team member g3gg0 found a way to install the update on the 7d using the  autoexec.bin code. According to Magic Lantern: The first analysis shows that porting is straightforward (more or less), and […]

06Aug Canon 7d firmware version 2.0 is out.

New Canon 7d firmware version 2.0 is now up on Canon’s site. More on the update once I have a chance to download, install, and test. I’ll keep you posted.