13Jul Lilliput 5 inch 569GL hdmi monitor.
I ended up getting a great deal on the Sony CLM v55 monitor, but there is a cheaper option if you’re looking to save a little money and like the idea of a smaller 5 inch monitor. The Lilliput 5 inch 569GL HDMI monitor comes with an HDMI cable, cold shoe adapter, battery adapter, and screen hood for around $200. On top of that it has a headphone jack with volume control and some nice BNC video connectors built in. The only leg up the CLM v55 has over the Lilliput (looking at the specs) is focus peaking, but i’m sure you can live without that for a savings of $150 to $200. Over all it looks like a pretty good deal. Here’s a little video demo posted by hdvideoshop.
Some of you have asked why I would move from a 7 inch monitor to something smaller. There are actually a few reasons, first I like to travel with a single camera bag if at all possible and although my 7 inch Lilliput monitor does fit in my camera bag, it ends up taking up a lot of space. A 5 inch monitor on the other hand fits nicely into a single lens pouch in my Ape Case. Secondly I usually need a field monitor for its ability to adjust and position not for its size. If I have to back my camera up against the wall or place it on the floor I still want to frame the shot without having to become a contortionist and any size monitor will solve this problem.
A 5 inch monitor is also about double the viewing space of most cameras built in screen and with a resolution of 800×480 you’re getting about the same number of pixels as you do with many of the larger 7 inch model screens on the market. If you have bad eye sight a larger 7 inch or 8 inch monitor might be a better way to go, but for me the easier it is to pack the more it will get used.
If any of you decide to go for the Lilliput 5 inch 569GL HDMI monitor send me some pictures and let me know how it turns out. It looks like Amazon has it for $265 right now, and you can if you don’t mind waiting a few weeks for shipping from Hong Kong. Over all it looks like a good pick for the price range.
July 13th, 2011 at 9:57 am
I already purchased this monitor! 🙂
around 30days of shipping because I live in philippines.
I will definitely do a review on this item
Thanks for the post deejay
July 13th, 2011 at 10:55 am
Let me know when your review is up and I’ll post it. Best of luck with your new monitor!
July 13th, 2011 at 12:32 pm
I’m a little angry at myself. I bought a ProAm monitor off of Ebay for about $150. I wish I would have waited. The resolution on it is pretty bad.
July 13th, 2011 at 5:45 pm
do you know if there’s a 7″ version of this same monitor? there are so many lilliput models all over ther internet that sometimes is hard to track down some of the newer or less known ones
July 13th, 2011 at 6:13 pm
Yes there is a 7inch version with all of the same extras. The it’s called the Lilliput 667GL and you can pick it up on ebay for about $200. It’s the same setup up and design as the 5 inch version only in a 7 inch package. Screen resolution is still 800×480.
You’re right, it would be nice if lilliput would give there monitors a name instead of just a group of numbers and letters.
July 13th, 2011 at 7:12 pm
actually i think is this one (665GL), just found it a minute ago: http://www.lilliputuk.com/monitors/hdmi/665gl/
July 13th, 2011 at 7:16 pm
The battery mount actually looks different, but the controls look closer. More Lilliput confusion. I try to stay up to date on all of their releases and I’m not even sure what the latest model number is. 🙂
July 13th, 2011 at 7:23 pm
another thing i just noticed, the 5″ versions seems to be the only one with a headphone out, anyones knows if there’s a 7″ version with this feature?
July 28th, 2011 at 2:53 pm
I wonder if it has DVI mode like in 7′ Lilliputs that allows you to bypass screen going black for few seconds after pressing record.
October 31st, 2011 at 10:36 am
Would I be able to do critical focusing on my 5D MKII with this monitor?
November 20th, 2011 at 8:57 pm
If you’re using magiclantern firm were yes. If your using canon’s firmware, yes, but you’ll probably want to use the x5 and x10 focus check before hand.