30Jul The mail man left me some gear.
Just made it home from Denver about an hour ago and there is a large stack of packages waiting to be opened. A lot of the time I order random parts and peaces from Hong Kong but some of this shipped a little closer to home. The problem with stuff from China is that it has a 30 day window of delivery. Sometimes you get what you ordered in a few weeks but more often then not you already forgot you ordered it when it shows up.
I opened everything up and started sorting through it all. In no real order we have:
- 15 foot usb cable to test with the Okii usb follow focus
- A few packs of linear bearings for the makerbot
- Light Craft 72mm Fader ND filter to test against the cheaper polaroid Fader ND
- LP-E6 and Sony NP-FM500H batteries + chargers for monitors
- It’s hard to see, but there is a smallhd DP4 monitor underneath the pile that will soon be up against the Sony CLM v55
- A large spool of black plastic from a new supplier, much cheaper then Makerbot’s store.
- A bright and shiny Sandisk Extreme 30 MB/s card. I’ll be using this to test higher bit rates in magic lantern. The price has dropped down to $36.
I’ll have some more posts on all of this stuff once I get a chance to start playing around. This is going to be a busy month so stay tuned.
SanDisk 16gb Extreme 30MB/s Edition SDHC High Performance Card
July 30th, 2011 at 11:05 pm
Nice… i like how you hid the best thing under the stack. So far i love my dp4.
I don’t have anything to compare it to but i’m glad that i didn’t spend any money for a lilliput.
I need to order a few lp-e6 from china for my dp4. At first I didn’t want to order the cheapy version because i rather have the decoded ones but they are so much cheaper!!!
in your testing, if you use a 7d, if your 7d ever ERR’s. Please let me know. I had posted my expeince on cheesycam and i sent wat happened to smallhd.com but haven’t been able to replicated the problem. I think it has to do with knocking the hdmi cable loose or maybe when the 7d goes to sleep.
It makes the 7d freeze! The top lcd shows ERR.
anyway, great blog. I have added your to my dlsrblogs that i follow daily.
July 31st, 2011 at 8:51 am
I’ve run into this with other monitors. For me it was caused by a cheap HDMI cable. The end connect wasn’t snug enough in the camera and would cause problems when the camera was moved around. All I had to do was remove the battery and put it back in. I changed out the cable and upgraded the firmware to Version 1.2.5 on the 7d and I haven’t had the problem since. When I first got the 7d I’d get ERR 02 every once in awhile when using generic 32GB memory cards.
As far as decoded batteries go, I paid document.write(‘$17.98 for 3 LP-E6 Batteries‘);$17.98 for 3 LP-E6 Batteries so that’s about $6 a peace. The cheapest I’ve seen the Generic batteries is about $4 a peace. I think the $2 difference is worth it for me to have proper battery indication on the 7d.
July 31st, 2011 at 5:54 pm
i clicked the link, but they are selling 1 lp-36 for 17.98. Not three…
After searching, i found the same seller has gone up to $49.98!
Do you have any other sellers were i can get them for $6 a piece!
I can only afford to have one EVF. Would you say the quality of the DP4’s screen is better than the Sony? How about the liliput?
I would have bought the liliput but since it is from china, there is no return policy! I didn’t want to waste money on cheaper alternatives
ie. Zeikos grip for 7d and LCW Fader. Eventually i ended up , eating those purchase and buying the real things.
I’m hoping decoded battery won’t give me problems in the future.
July 31st, 2011 at 7:06 pm
Yea I just checked and noticed the price jump. That sucks, sorry Luke. The Liliput 5 inch monitor is for sale on amazon if you want the option to return it. I’m not sure how there new 5 inch monitor compares with the Sony CLM and DP4, but both the Sony and SmallHD picture quality look about the same to me. I paid $300 for my Sony monitor on amazon. The SmallHD is $550, if your using the 7d I don’t know if it’s worth the extra money for the SmallHD monitor unless you really want it as a EVF. I don’t care for EVFs so i’ll be using both of these as regular field monitors.
I’ve had great luck with my Zeikos grips what went wrong?
July 31st, 2011 at 11:59 pm
After buying it, I started to noticed an intermittent problem with the main dial and the multicontroller.
Both would just stop working at times. I would need to turn my 7d off to regain both functions.
I can’t remember the exact steps, but it became a repeatable problem. The lock switch wasn’t moved.
I saw others online having the same problem, so i then order a Canon grip. I haven’t had a problem since.
Now I’ll need to replace my HDMI cable because of the problem i described above. Hopefully that’ll fix that issue too…
July 30th, 2011 at 11:31 pm
Could you test the DP4 on the T2i/5D to see for how long the screen blanks out when you hit record? I have the 60D myself but should work the same way as the T2i/5D.
July 31st, 2011 at 8:26 am
Sure thing I’ll add it to the list.