24Nov Printrbot 3d printer
The price for 3d printering keeps dropping as people come up with more and more elegant designs. The Printrbot is another entry in the low price 3d printer market, keeping the cost down by using a minimalist design. You aren’t going to be printing as fast as some of the beefier printer designs out there but for the price, slow and steady whens the race.
The Printrbot kit has very few parts, which means it’s much easier to build. Some of my 3d printers took more then a week to build and another week to calibrate and get working properly. If you can build this in a couple of hours and get it printing, that’s a lot of time saved. The other nice thing is that the design is expandable, all you need to enlarge the printing area is to add some longer rods, a bigger heated bed, and your good to go.
It’s amazing how small this printer is, yet it still has a bigger printing area then the cupcake on the left and at half the price it’s certainly worth checking out. The project has more then enough funding to get off the ground. So if you want to get on the waiting list for the $500 Printrbot check out there kickstarter page. You can also see example prints, pictures, and more at printrbot.com
November 24th, 2011 at 4:53 pm
looks perfect for all kinds of secret project ;D
November 25th, 2011 at 8:24 pm
Idk don’t get me wrong, but.. Im kind of bummed this has turned into a 3d printer site opposed to a DSLR site.. :/ This use to be on the list of sites I hit every day.. now its usually once or twice a month because all there is are posts on the 3d printers.. whens the last time a video on DSLR was posted? I understand you have a life, and it involves much more than this, but maybe you could start another blog for the 3d stuff and go back to the norm? 🙁
November 25th, 2011 at 9:14 pm
Sorry J, I have been tied up with film work and the noob store over the past couple of months, I’ll try to balance things out a little more. The 3d printers shouldn’t be the main thing that’s posted. I’ll try to focus more on camera stuff, and get some more videos out A.S.A.P. It’s been a crazy few months, I look forward to getting back to my normal posting schedule. It’s times like this that I wish there were two of me. 😉