30Mar Digitalrev Canon 5d mark III v.s. Nikon D800 face off
Gizmodo’s low light shootout between the two cameras, all though flawed (1/160 shutter speed guys, really?), does show the 5d mark III really shining in low light video mode. It seems like the trade off is resolution v.s. low light performance for these two cameras. Sure the video mode is a little better on the Canon 5d mark III, but if you can’t live with out the resolution I’m sure you could put up with the slightly lacking video features that the Nikon D800 offers and of course not everyone really needs ultra low light performance of the Canon 5d mark III.
March 30th, 2012 at 6:33 pm
Pretty amusing.
Deejay, When u do your tests of the 5d3, r u going to include a sample of Philip Bloom’s suggested Neutral mode?