If you’re looking for a low profile option that allows you to mount your field recorder directly to a boom pole this could be an easy way to go. Basically it’s just a small clamp from a friction arm combined with the very low price metal quick release plates I posted awhile back. It doesn’t seem to add to much weight to your boom pole and gives you an easy option for monitoring audio levels and adjusting controls without have to dangle all your audio gear from a man purse.

The attachment is easy to add and remove, plus the quick release plate makes it easy to grab your field recorder for other uses. I would like to see something even smaller, like a boom pole with a built in field recorder mount, but so far there isn’t anything on the market that provides that sort of option.

Total cost of this little contraption is about $15 for the clamp, $8.50 for the QR plate, and 20 cents for the pan head 1/4 20 screw at the hardware store.  Grand total is $23.70. I wonder If I could come up with something under $15 that accomplishes the same thing. I’ll have to keep looking.

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