The Voigtlander 40mm f2.0 Ultron SL-II is basically a well built version of Canon’s 40mm f2.8 pancake lens. Heavy duty metal, ultra smooth focus ring with 180 degrees of travel and nice creamy bokah. I’ve only had this around for 3 days and I must say i’m impressed.

Even though the Voigtlander 40mm f2.0 Ultron SL-II has built in electronics, it’s still a manual focus lens. Basically you control the aperture electronically through the camera, manual focus the lens, and receive focus conformation through the electronics when your subject is in focus.

So far on a full frame body I’ve found it surprisingly easy to get things in focus though it is hard to keep up with fast moving objects. There is also a certain nostalgic feeling to using a manual focus lens. Ergonomics feel good and the focus ring is very pleasant to use.

The Voigtlander 40mm f2.0 Ultron SL-II also comes with this close up lens attachment that changes the minimum focusing distance from 1.25 feet to about .85 feet. It attaches to what I guess is a sun hood and seems to be a strange feature to include with this kind of lens.

The close up focus attachment narrows the focus plan enough that it almost feels like shooting with the 50mm f1.2 wide open. In the few tests I’ve done so far the Vignetting isn’t nearly as noticeable on a full frame as the Canon 40mm f2.8 but when you add the close up focus attachment the Vignetting is about the same as Canon’s 40mm pancake.

I’m still working on a full video review but as of right now, I’m really enjoying this lens. I should have something up in the next week or two. I’ll keep you posted.

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