It seems there is some confusion about the iRig Pre Hack I posted. You could use the adapter cable (on the right) to brake out the pins on the included iOS cable into a microphone output and a headphone input but this is messy and the headphone part of the cable is basically useless for none iOS devices. The microphone output on the other hand is really the only important part of the iRig Pre.

By wiring the 3.5mm jack as a microphone output with iRig Pre Hack, you eliminate the need for the adapter cable and make the iRig Pre a much cleaner device to use. Now you can use a simple 3.5mm stereo cable to plug the output directly into your camera with no extra adapters.

For those of you who have always wanted to plug your XLR mic directly into your camera you’ll be able to use the iRig Pre for this application. You will also have clean phanotom power as well as enough gain to easily boost quite microphones. Even better is the fact that the iRig Pre is only $35 and about the size of two 9volt batteries stacked on top of each other. I should have a full video up on the hack shortly but for now here’s an audio sample of the unit after the audio hack was completed this afternoon.

 iRig Pre after hack sample.mp3 (download)

The hack has no effect on audio quality and when you’re done, you have a simple preamp in a very handy form factor.

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