20May Haier HLT71 monitor battery adapter
I mentioned a few weeks back that I had ordered an adapter that might allow me to use my with the Haier HLT71 monitor. The adapter finally showed up and I had a chance to test it out. Basically this allows you to convert the output of this battery to the input of the Haier monitor.
I normally use these batteries for my Lilliput monitor, but it also seems to work with the Haier monitor as well. In testing I was able to get just under 6 hours of run time with this larger battery. The down side is that I had to Velcro the battery to the back of the monitor.
The Haier brand batteries seem to be hard to come by and the included battery only lasts about 2 hours. If you do manage to find a Haier brand battery, they run about $30. So if you don’t mind this larger battery, it could be a decent alternative. You can pick up the .
May 24th, 2011 at 6:41 pm
Very nice! I have the same monitor so I could us on my new jib. I’ll have to investigate more but I appreciate your posts on this monitor. Good stuff dude. Thanks! Gilberto AKA G-man
May 27th, 2011 at 5:57 am
I love these monitors and have had the SAME ISSUE with short battery life…i tried a number of fabricated [poorly at best] methods to use better and larger batteries…seems you have the way!! thanks man!!
June 3rd, 2011 at 3:59 pm
Thanks for all the great info Im new to this all so trying to get updated. but i was looking at that monitor but i see its component cables I have a 5dmkii by the way how do you hook it up? is there a Mini Hdmi to Component cable Please help if you can. Thanks
June 14th, 2011 at 4:55 pm
Would this work for the small reverse camera monitors? The ones posted on here some time ago. Still haven’t powered mine on lol!
July 24th, 2011 at 1:11 am
hey man, i got that monitor it looks really nice, one problem i dont have a connection that connects to my HD NEX-VG10. is there eny wire or way that i can connected and use it??
July 24th, 2011 at 11:46 am
Haven’t spent a lot of time with the nex-vg10 I know it has hdmi, but I don’t know if it has rca outputs.
August 22nd, 2011 at 6:22 pm
Thanks for the post. Can you tell me where I could buy an additional battery for the HLT71? Most sites say it’s unavailable right now. I don’t have a Lilliput so this is probably my best option. Thanks!
August 22nd, 2011 at 8:06 pm
A few people have mentioned that this battery has the same connector and size of the Haier brand battery. I haven’t actually had a chance to give it a try myself, so it’s at your own risk. But it looks like it could be right.
October 19th, 2011 at 8:27 pm
Hey, thanks, I was looking to see if this would work. I would like it if it lasted like 10 hours or so, the more the merrier.
Would it be possible to get two of these batteries and feed them both to this. xD I’m dumb. I’ll just buy a few batteries and put the extras in my backpac.
How long will the stock t2i battery last with this? With the normal screen it lasts like 4 hours, but I figure that most of the energy is used for the screen on the t2i, so it will probably last longer.
I just don’t want my t2i to run out of battery before this runs out.
Maybe I could use one of these to power my t2i too…
Too much space though…
August 4th, 2012 at 4:43 pm
Hey thanks for the info,we have the tv mount to one of are cameras. It’s nice to see a seven inch image not a two inch image when you are taking photos.