I haven’t had any problems editing the footage from the 5d mark III, but none of the normal programs I use for playback would handle the footage. I’ve been told the latest version of VLC player can handle it, but I dislike VLC player with a passion. Nothing but a pain every time I’ve tried to use it, even though most people I know think its great.

I posted the question on my youtube channel and SamjTeleVision asked if I had tried MPEG StreamClip. Above is actually a shot from one of the low light test I was working on yesterday and MPEG StreamClip handled it just fine. The program is less then a 1MB, it didn’t try to install any random crap on my computer and it works with the 5d mark III’s native ALL-I footage.

The player also seems to do a great job with every other format I’ve tried out and it supports both Windows and Mac machines. To top that off the software is also free. The website is a little old school, but if you need a light weight video player that works with Canon footage, MPEG StreamClip is worth a look. Here’s a link to their site.

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